A Time for a Decision! Pt 1 "Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?" Matthew 27:22. Decision making is very much in the air here in Ulster at the present time. We are surrounded by posters demanding that on election day we choose those whose names are on the posters! Who is elected to positions of power is a very important matter and ought to be a matter of prayer for the child of God. I feel that we are faced with a decision of who is the least dishonourable rather than who is the most virtuous! We are indeed in sad times when "truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter," Isaiah 59:14. However, there is a more momentous decision that men have to make, though sadly, less thought is given to it than there is to political affairs. It is the decision that faced Pilate. There are some things which never change. The challenge of the gospel, the choosing "this day whom ye will serve," Joshua 24:15. The demand to no longer halt "between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him," 1 Kings 18:21. The challenge of Joshua and Elijah is what lay at the heart of the question posed by Pilate. "What shall I do then with Jesus?" That is the question I wish us to consider today. Now this is a question which may be applied to the Christian as well as to the unsaved. Christian, we are constantly facing a decision of what we are going to do with the Saviour as we travel life's road!