ID cards -- mark of the beast??Rev. Ivan FosterRevelation 13:16Sun Feb 19, 2006 · Sunday - PM
I believe that no matter how wicked the actions of men may be, they are motivated by the foolish and deceitful notion that such wickedness will lead to the betterment of themselves and of others. Take the issue of legal abortion. It is in truth nothing less than the legalised murder of the unborn in the womb by physicians and with the compliance of the mother! I have no doubt that those who support it believe it to be to the betterment of the individual who has the abortion and the society in which abortion is permitted. It is nothing less than the same pattern of thought that prompted Hitler and his associates to engage in the slaughter of millions people, mostly Jews, with the objective of bettering mankind! Men may claim to see the perversity of Hitler but fail to see that they persevere in his logic in other fields of human activity. It is this argument of "collective improvement" that underlies abortion that will make the evil activities of the Antichrist acceptable to the vast majority of his subjects.
ID: 21906173247 · ID cards -- mark of the beast??