Common Cause/Departure-Pt1Testimony and a SermonRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMNumbers 25:1-3 · Sun Feb 17, 2008
The testimony of Councillor Roy Gillespie precedes the sermon. A fundamental truth, repeatedly set forth from the pulpits of the FPC in the past, was that there is a link between the political and social philosophy adopted by a society and the theology that is taught from the pulpits. It was often pointed out in the early 1960s that the liberalising political views of Terence O'Neill were born in the minds of ecumenical pulpiteers. It was for this reason they so enthusiastically embraced him and his ideas and urged their people to support him. The ecumenical pulpits had become sounding boards for the notion that the Bible and its doctrines were outdated and must give way to new and modern thinking of enlightened men. The Bible was no longer deemed the infallible rule of faith and practice for the Christian or society generally. This setting aside of the Bible opened the floodgates of modernistic theology and ecumenical innovations. Suddenly that which had been considered anathema by our Bible-believing fathers was now promoted and considered acceptable while the old truths were reproached, mocked and derided. That is what some of us lived through in the 1960s only to see it happen again today!
ID: 217081749199 · Common Cause/Departure-Pt1