Heaven's reply to Hell's rage.God's flood defencesRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMIsaiah 59:19 · Sun Feb 12, 2006
Our text is part of a prophecy related to Saviour's return and its impact upon Israel. The Saviour's return will be His response to the swelling rebellion which we see manifested around us today and which will culminate in the brief reign of the Antichrist during which he will attempt to remove from his dominion all believers in Christ and the nation of Israel. His "war plans" regarding Israel are laid out for us in Psalm 83. The actions of the Saviour at His return have been rehearsed in microcosm many times before. Because of this, the psalmist can refer to past incidents to illustrate that which he wishes the Lord to do in answer to prayer. What will be seen of the Lord's power and glory, His judgment and wrath against His enemies, has been seen in a limited way in His former dealings with men. The destruction of Sodom, Egypt, of ancient Babylon, were but foreshadowings of the great day of His wrath. We may request, on a lesser scale, the Lord to work against His enemies today as He will in that great day of judgment.
ID: 2120617626 · Heaven's reply to Hell's rage.