Since the beginning of the new school year in September 2015, Rev Foster has been asked to speak at two morning assembly meetings each week. His theme for 2015-16 is DV, "Pictures of Christ in the Bible." Sixth Picture of Christ Isaac and Rebekah, Genesis 24. Rebekah's response to the servant's request for a drink. She was Reverent, Willing and Obedient. Genesis 24:15-21. We need not open our mouth to indicate the sort of person we are. Our actions tell others a lot about us. Here in these verses we are told a lot about Rebekah just from her response to this old man's request for a drink. Our upbringing will have a great impact upon our eternity just as did Rebekah's upbringing. Boys and girls, if we have not learned to obey our parents it is likely we will never obey God and go to heaven! The sweet, submissive nature of Rebekah is set forth here.