Events in Israel before Christ's returnChrist's Return announced · part 4 of 10Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMEzekiel 36:24-38 · Sun Jan 28, 2001
The things which will announce, accompany and follow after the return of Christ No 4. "Events in Israel which will herald the return of Christ" As we approach the end of this age and the Saviour's return to this world, the land of Israel will feature more and more in the front-page events of this world. It was in Israel that the Saviour was born and carried out His most marvellous ministry. It was there that He was rejected and crucified. It was there He died and was buried and rose again the third day. It was from there that He ascended up to His Father's right hand. It is to there that He will return. He will return to a land that will be making headline news and has every eye upon it. Christ's return will be in order to save His ancient people from imminent destruction at the hands of the forces of Antichrist; forces which will include elements from the British army! The final scenes of this age will be played out on the stage of Israel or, more precisely, in Jerusalem. What signs should we be watching for within Israel to will indicate the approach of the Saviour's second advent?
ID: 1610943110 · Events in Israel before Christ's return