Signs in the heavens, Pt1Christ's Return announced · part 5 of 10Rev. Ivan FosterSun Feb 4, 2001 · Sunday - PM
The things which will announce, accompany and follow after the return of Christ No 5. "Signs in the heavens" According to the Saviour's order of events given us in Matt 24, following the setting up of the "Abomination of Desolation", there will be a period of intense persecution against the Jews. Christians will also suffer but they will be largely protected by the Lord though many will die, Dan 7:21, Rev 20:4. But the Jews will be given over to the power of the devil. This is the time of Jacob's trouble, Jer 30:1-9. During this time the believers in Jerusalem will have fled into the wilderness,seeking shelter even as Christ has instructed, Matt 24:16; Rev 12:6, 14-17. Following the great tribulation, the signs we wish to consider this evening, takes place. The signs consist of the sun and moon being darkened, the stars falling and the power of the heavens being shaken and the earth quaking. It is clear from verses 29-30, that this will take just before the appearance of Christ.
ID: 16101232562 · Signs in the heavens, Pt1