Closing considerations. Ruth ends with a mention of the coming king - David. His name, being the very last word, suggests the looking forward to the coming of the great King of Israel that there was amongst the people of Israel. I believe that as there is a suggestion of a looking forward to the days of David so in God's Word there are repeated revelations, prophecies, foreshadowings and pictures of the coming again of the Lord Jesus and the wonderful blessing that that day will bring. The purpose of God throughout the ages is foreshadowed everywhere including in this book of Ruth. I believe we can see here pictures of : 1. Fall of Israel. 2. Gathering of the Gentiles. 3. The restoration of the Jews. 4. The reign of Christ on this earth. Before we come to these truths, I must emphasise that the final days of this age and the return of Christ to this earth feature large in Scripture. Not just by direct prophecy. It was a subject ALL the prophets dealt with, Acts 3:24, but also in pictures and types. Consider: Joseph, Acts 7:13; Moses, 7:35; David, 1 Sam 17:17, where the SECOND COMING of Christ is foreshadowed. These are but three of such pictures. That God should refer to those coming days, both by direct statements and also by foreshadowings and inferences, surely indicates that the day when the Lord Jesus will be highly exalted, and His name will be lifted above every name, and before Whom every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, (Philippians 2:9-11), is a day most precious to God. So it should be to us as well.