AUSCHWITZ -- why it will happen again!God's plan for the JewsRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMPsalm 83 · Sun Jan 30, 2005
This year marks the 60 anniversary of the uncovering to the general public the dreadful activities of Nazi Germany in its efforts to exterminate the Jewish race. The horrific scenes of Hitler's death camps are once again be remembered by the world. This is but right and the crimes should never be forgotten. As Christians, we should especially be grieved for the Jewish people. Our blessed Redeemer was a Jew. We owe the gospel that saved our souls for all eternity to the Jewish people and to Jewish evangelists. Our chief heroes, the Pauls, the Peters, the Johns, were all Jews. What a debt we owe to that people. The horrors of the holocaust against the Jewish people is not over despite the statements of world leaders that the like of this can never happen again. It can and it will! The Bible has much to say about the Jewish people and the future that waits them.
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