Does God negotiate with sinners?An answer to Gerry Adams'Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMIsaiah 1:18 · Sun Dec 7, 2003
Gerry Adams recently called upon Dr. Paisley to engage in talks on reconciliation with Sinn Fein in the wake of the recent election. He is quoted as saying: "I don't know of anything within the Christian philosophy which is not about dialogue, conversation and dealing with sinners. . . . and as a sinner I offer myself up, and on behalf of those who I represent, to be converted by Dr. Paisley to his vision of the future." Adams would have us believe that there is a parallel between the dialoguing and negotiations of politicians and parties and the manner of God's proclaiming His Word unto men. Such a view only underscores Gerry Adams' ignorance of the Word of God and the message of salvation. Men believe that God is open to them bargaining with Him over what it is He requires from them. So thought Cain in the beginning of time, Genesis 4:3-5. But as Cain found to his cost, so will Gerry Adams and all who think like him, that God will not amend the terms of the gospel.
ID: 12703172146 · Does God negotiate with sinners?