THE WONDER OF THE NEW BIRTH (Preached in Coragarry FPC, Co Monaghan, by Rev Ivan Foster) Ezekiel. 37/1-10 * This portion of Ezekiel's book (36 & 37) is a prophecy of Israel in the last days, verses 11-14, 21-28. It reveals future events. Details in the prophecy such as "for ever", verse 25, clearly indicate that it has yet to be fulfilled. Chapter 36 is literal and 37 is figurative. However, we wish to learn some practical gospel lessons from this revelation of God's plan to bring His people Israel out of a state of deadness and restore them to Himself. * Regeneration is that act of God by which new life is implanted in the sinner and the ruling disposition of his soul is one of holiness. * It is God that works -- Eph 2:10. Man is passive -- Eph 2:1 (Lazarus). The result is a new man -- II Cor 5:17. * It is absolutely essential for entrance to Heaven -- John 3:3. Of all the miracles in which man is the direct subject it is the most wonderful. I want us to think a little about this in the light of Ezekiel 37:1-10.