A sad passingThe death of George BestRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMMatthew 24:35 · Sun Dec 4, 2005
The passing I am referring to particularly is that of George Best. May I say first of all that events at yesterday's funeral highlight the mercy of God displayed to this part of the UK. Where else in the UK would the voice of a gospel minister be heard in the midst of such a gathering of worldly and sinful people? God's favour, despite our many failings and faults, remains to a large measure yet upon us. Let us recognise that truth by clinging tenaciously to the gospel and resisting stedfastly all attempts by modernists and ecumenists to take it from us or to corrupt it in any way. George Best, despite his early opportunities under the gospel, was very much a man of this world. He lived for its pursuits and pleasures and that is what brought him to an early grave. But even to the end, the mercy of God was extended to him for those who love the Saviour sought to witness to him. Christians were in attendance at his hospital bed and likewise witnessed to him. The cortege of George Best symbolises the way of the world and all who live for its pleasures. There is nothing permanent or lasting about this world. So said our Saviour in the words of our text. "Heaven and earth shall pass away," Matthew 24:35.
ID: 12405164646 · A sad passing