The passage of timeApt topic for end of the yearRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJob 16:22 · Sun Dec 28, 2003
As we prepare to tear another page from our calendars, indeed to replace it with another one, as we draw near to the end of another year -- a year that seems only to have begun a few short weeks ago -- we are reminded of that event of which our text speaks. I refer to that departure from this world into that which is to come. Time is like a river. Isaac Watts stated it well: "Time, like an ever rolling stream, bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day." It appears that the Lord would have man mark the passing of time since He instituted hours, days, weeks, months and years -- one for the few universally adopted systems of measurement. The truths I wish to set before you lie on the very surface of this text.
ID: 122803172735 · The passage of time