The Saviour not ashamed-those ashamed-themselves!Grace for unworthy saintsRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMHebrews 11:16 · Sun Jan 22, 2006
"But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city," Hebrews 11:16. God's grace and love is so far beyond our comprehending that we often refuse to believe it can be so wonderful, so boundless! No phrase sums up the believer's blessedness like the one contained in our text. The God of the whole earth is, in a very special way, the God of the Christian. They have special relationship with Him that none other can claim. He is our God by creation. This is the case with all creatures. But He is also our God by redemption. This is something only the elect can claim. God has a peculiar interest in His people.
ID: 12206161333 · The Saviour not ashamed-those ashamed-themselves!