Is there a right way to celebrate Christmas?Christmas celebrations!!??Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJohn 1:10-13 · Sun Dec 19, 2004
The birth of Christ has not been recorded with the chronological detail that we find in the record of the Saviour's death. The month, week, day and hour of that sacred event is given in detail. No such detail is given us of His birth. To me that suggest very plainly that is not the will of God that we seek to mark that event and celebrate it annually. There is no record in the New Testament of the early church celebrating His birth but there is of its marking of the death and resurrection of the Saviour. All who love the Lord must know that the "spirit of Christmas" is quite contrary to the teaching and life of the Son of God. Yet, despite this, some will persist in countenancing it and identifying themselves with it to some degree or other. Some would even speak of putting "Christ back into Christmas." You cannot put Christ back into that of which He never was a part!
ID: 1219041754 · Is there a right way to celebrate Christmas?