“The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies,” Psalm 110:2.
This second verse tells us of the day when the enemies of Christ shall be subdued and become His footstool. Christ’s waiting is over.
This takes us into the future.
1. That day is revealed to us in many places in Scripture. We are permitted through the prophetic Scriptures to look away into the future and actually see the day of the enemies’ subjugation.
Please look at Joel 3:9-12. This is that day of reckoning for the Antichrist and his supporters when Christ will be proclaimed King.
2. We are told the place where this defeating of the enemies will take place. “Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about,” Joel 3:12.
‘The valley of Jehoshaphat’, (‘Jehoshaphat’ means 'God shall judge’) a valley adjacent to the city of Jerusalem on the East also called the Kidron valley. It begins just east of the foot of the Mount of Olives and swings northward and ends near to the location of what Bible believers consider is the true Calvary. Thus the defeat of the Saviour’s enemies will take place in sight of where He was crucified.
3. In the final days of this age, just before the Saviour returns, God in His sovereignty will gather His enemies to Jerusalem.
Zech 14:2-4.
When men think themselves to be about to destroy the city of God and the nation of Israel they are in fact being gathered together for heir destruction! The time when it appears as if God no longer exists will be over!
How foolish is man to fight God and resist His will!!