A light shing in a dark placeThe character of the BibleRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PM2 Peter 1:19 · Sun Dec 11, 2005
"A light shining in a dark place." "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts," 2 Peter 1:19. The possessor of the Bible is more privileged than those who witnessed the Saviour's transfiguration on the mount. So said Peter, one of those who witnessed that glorious event. The Word of God provides "a more sure word of prophecy." Peter explains this in verses 20-21. The Word of God comes to us with divine authority stamped upon it. It did not emerge from the thinking processes of those who wrote it but from the mind of God. The Scriptures being the Word of God, none but He can interpret them. It is not something that we can form a private interpretation of. As holy men spake it son holiness of heart and mind is required if we would understand it. I wish to consider with you the glorious title given to the Word of God in this verse. It is a "light that shineth in a dark place." There is much gospel truth in this title.
ID: 121105162837 · A light shing in a dark place