Ecumenists relaunch Nimrod's scheme of rebellionNimrod's rebellion relaunchedRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMGenesis 11:4 · Sun Jan 29, 1989
Ecumenists relaunch Nimrod's scheme of rebellion (Preached by Rev Ivan Foster in Kilskeery FPC, 29th January, 1989.) "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth," Genesis 11:4. Another "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" has passed. It is the main event in the Ecumenists' calendar. Its origins reveals the true nature of Ecumenism. The purpose of its founders was reunion of Protestantism with Rome - amalgamation under the Pope of Rome. This year's (1989) leaflet outlining its liturgy for the various events it has organised has as its leading Bible portion Genesis 11 - the record of Nimrod's rebellion against God and the unity he sought to organise to defy God. It is incredible that such a portion should have been chosen and shows the blindness of Ecumenists to what the Bible is here saying! In this portion is set forth man's first efforts at a unified defiance of God, what the Lord thought about it and what became of it. How important it is for us as believers to note the teaching of this passage.
ID: 121013621492 · Ecumenists relaunch Nimrod's scheme of rebellion