Escape from Justice or Exit to JudgmentSuicide of Harold ShipmanRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PM2 Peter 2:9 · Sun Jan 18, 2004
The recent reaction to the suicide of Harold Shipman displayed an ignorance of the Word of God that is heart-breaking. How could a nation such as England, so blessed with gospel knowledge as the treasury of the national library of godly literature shows, come to such ignorance of the Bible? The lament has been that Shipman has escaped from the rigours of prison into a place of release and ease. What utter folly. Do they not understand that "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment,"? (Hebrews 9:27). There is no release, no deliverance, no ending of misery for the sinner at death. Rather there is the true beginning of sorrows.
ID: 11804172727 · Escape from Justice or Exit to Judgment