Signs in the heavens, Pt2Christ's Return announced · part 6 of 10Rev. Ivan FosterSun Feb 18, 2001 · Sunday - PM
The things which will announce, accompany and follow after the return of Christ No 6. "When buying and selling will require Antichrist's permission" Read Rev. 18:1-24 We recently had a very clear indication of the economic dictatorship that the Bible tells us will arise in this region of the world, over which the Roman Empire once held sway. I am referring to the rebuke administered to the Republic of Ireland regarding its economic policies. They were deemed to be contrary to those decided upon by the European Union, and so they were told to get back in line. This action by the EU demonstrated the centring of increasingly dictatorial powers within the EU. These trends have been noted by the opponents of the EU within the UK and used as an argument to support the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Whatever fears such opponents may have, few of them would give any credit to what the Bible says the EU will grow into -- the commercial empire of the Antichrist! Tonight, I wish to consider the growth and destruction of the city of Babylon. It will be another sign to watch for as a herald of the approach of Christ's return.
ID: 11310622230 · Signs in the heavens, Pt2