Unconditional SurrenderCommand to submitRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJames 4:7 · Sun Nov 27, 2005
This passage underscores the rebelliousness of natural man. It is from his nature that there springs up all the wars between nations and the quarrels and altercations between individuals, verse 1. Indeed, it is the source of the unrest and battles that rage within every human breast. The verse 2 shows us the course of this inward unrest. It is the spirit of unhappiness with our lot in life that causes us to desire what others have and resort to unlawful and oftentimes violent means of obtaining them. This spirit is manifested widely in society today. It was at work in Bradford recently and brought about the murder of the policewoman attending the scene of a robbery. This spirit of envy poisons the praying of many Christians and causes them to become unfaithful to God, 3-4. Friendship with the world is the outcome of a spirit of envy and that friendship causes us to act as the enemies of God. The antidote to such spiritual waywardness is given us in our text -- SUBMIT.
ID: 112705163526 · Unconditional Surrender