The Ultimate Revival #11Studies in Isaiah 51:9-11 · part 11 of 16Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMIsaiah 51:9-11 · Sun Nov 12, 2006
Praise God there is recovery from backsliding. We continue our examination of the path of prayer that has to be traversed on the way to recovery. It is a path that ends in us seeing the Lord in His glory as once we knew Him. As the Prodigal's return journey was completed when he looked full in the face of his father, so our recovery from backsliding is concluded when the Lord causes the light of His countenance to shine on us once more. 1. Recovery entails a restoring of a right view of God. Mark 8:2-26. This man was recovered of his sight. He had sight before. His sight was recovered by a process. The hands of Christ were laid on him twice before his sight was restored completely 2. Backsliding makes you forget the true character of God. "Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon? Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over?" verses 9-10. It is as if the prophet was only realising Who the Lord was. 3. Backsliding and coldness makes you forget what God can do. Gen 18:10-15. It makes the claims of God a laughable thing.
ID: 111206164658 · The Ultimate Revival #11