A wicked city's remarkable faithNineveh's repentanceRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJonah 3:9 · Sun Oct 5, 2003
The book of Jonah contains two most remarkable and miraculous deliverances. The first is very well known. It is that of Jonah's escape from the belly of the whale. His escape was used by the Saviour to illustrate His own escape from death by His resurrection on the third day. "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth," Matt 12:40. But there was another wonderful deliverance recorded in this book and it is that of the people of Nineveh from under the much-deserved wrath of God. My text contains the basic reasoning of the king of Nineveh upon hearing the message of the prophet Jonah. I wish to examine this verse. There are two main aspects to this verse. First of all the faith of the people in the message they heard and the hope of escape that sprang from their faith in the message.
ID: 10503155531 · A wicked city's remarkable faith