THE HARVEST OF THE HYPOCRITE Job 20:5-9. (Preached in Tyndale Memorial FPC, Belfast, on the Harvest Thanksgiving Sabbath morning) The tirade against Job by his three friends continues. May we remind you that what is spoken by Job's friends is truth but it is misapplied truth. They misunderstood what it was that happened to Job and mistook him for a hypocrite reaping God's judgment. The verses before us are worthy of study in this day in which we have seen wicked men honoured and feted. The highest positions in our government are occupied by men of the most wicked reputation. A convicted leader of the IRA who directed terrorist operations, Martin McGuinness, has been welcomed at the Queen's banqueting table! McGuinness and fellow republicans who engaged in terrorism are invited to speak to prestigious groups and meet with world leaders. Such being the case, these words form a worthy study for us. This portion will remind us of the harvest of wickedness and drive away any temptation to believe that wickedness pays off! It will surely refresh our souls and lighten our hearts as we consider what God's word has to say on such matters and what lies in store for those who engage in the ways of wickedness