Purpose of God moving amongst usRev. Ivan FosterMalachi 3:1-6 · Sunday - AMSun Dec 26, 1993
To what purpose are the recent movings of God amongst us? Malachi 3:1-6. (Preached 21 years ago following a time of conversions and restorations in the church) Our unchangeable God cannot permit His covenant people to be consumed. His purpose in them must be fulfilled. Within the last month there have some ten people suddenly awakened to their backsliding or to the fact that they were never truly saved. This is not counting as many more in our school amongst our pupils. To what end is this move of God? I believe that He would wish us to know since it is only by knowing His purpose that we can yield ourselves up to His will and seek to advance His cause amongst us. The portion of scripture before us has been a special blessing to me. One night in the Free Presbyterian church in Indianapolis, while engaged in prayer with some brethren there, this portion came home to my heart. I was particularly praying about what it was that God would do were He to come amongst us. We had been praying for revival in USA and Ulster and I was seeking to know what the Lord would do were He to come down at that time amongst us. This portion came to me so powerfully that I felt I had to interrupt the prayer time and speak of what the Lord had shown me. I saw afresh that revival was the visit of the Lord amongst His people, judging their sins and purging them from uncleanness. Again, I saw that it was all in order to restore them to their former duties. I believe we have in this portion, guidance and instruction regarding the Lord's way in our midst at present.
ID: 1025141045516 · Purpose of God moving amongst us