A Breath of Life from HeavenRev. Ivan FosterEzekiel 37:1-10Sun Mar 5, 1989 · Sunday - PM
A Breath of Life from Heaven "So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army," Ezekiel 37:10. (Preached by Rev Ivan Foster in Kilskeery FPC at the evening service on Lord's Day, March 5th, 1989.) Matthew Henry, the great expositor, suggests that there are three applications which may be made of this portion of God's Word. 1. A picture of the resurrection of the dead. 2. A picture of the recovery of Israel. (This I believe is the primary meaning of this passage.) 3. A picture of God's ways in reformation and revival in the Church. I wish to apply this passage as instruction to us all on the matter of reformation and revival in the church. Here we may see the means and the path chosen of God by which the church passes from a state of dissolution, defeat, disgrace and desolation into a state of blessing and victory
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