Deceived by a deceitful disarming!Beware of liars!Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PM2 Samuel 20:10: · Sun Oct 2, 2005
Following the "act of decommissioning" by the IRA, Dr. Paisley expressed some concern regarding two clerics who witnessed the event. These witnesses were not appointed by the government or by the Independent Monitoring Commission nor the British government. The basis of the decommissioning is an assurance from the IRA that all its weapons were included in this act of decommissioning. Such procedures do not make for confidence in what was going on, especially when it is the IRA. Harold Good, as a Methodist minister, undertook to preach what John Wesley taught. The Methodist Church in Ireland has been involved in the ecumenical plan of reunion with Rome. Harold Good recognises Romanism as a "sister church" and its priests as ministers of Christ. All this is contrary to the ordination vows of Methodist ministers. As for the priest Reid, he daily propagates the ludicrous fraud of pretending that under his ministry a wafer has been turned into the body and divinity of Christ! If Ulster accepts without question the claims of the IRA and sanctions them entering government over us, then Ulster deserves all that will come upon it for acting so foolishly.
ID: 1020516246 · Deceived by a deceitful disarming!