As a new school year has begun, Rev Foster has been asked to speak at two morning assembly meetings. His theme for 2015-16 is DV, "Pictures of Christ in the Bible." The Third Picture of Christ Abel's Lamb "And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering," Genesis 4:4. Here are two brothers, the first born on this earth, but how different they were. 1. Eve had high expectations of Cain. "I have gotten a man from the LORD." Genesis 4:1. Eve believed that Cain was the "Seed" promised in Gen 3:15. I think her statement in verse 1 clearly indicates that. It is also likely that, foolishly believing that, she spoiled him so that he grew up having his own way. What a disaster that is for any child!