Moses meets with SihonGod's limits on peaceRev. Ivan Foster · Sun Oct 15, 2006Romans 12:18; Hebrews 12:14 · Sunday - PM
I am very conscious of the duty of a minister of the gospel at a time such as this in the affairs of the nation. Undoubtedly, decisions soon will be taken in the political realm which will feature large in the lives of our children. The wrong decision will bring much ill to this land of ours and its future generations. The decisions centre upon whether or not men who have made murder their trade are to be admitted to the government of this land. It must be stated that they can only enter that government with the agreement of the unionist people. If they agree to such a thing then they are casting away their heritage and trampling over the protests of the last 30 years. The point may be made that SF/IRA will be put into government with or without the approval of the Ulster Protestants. That may very well be so for the treachery and deceitfulness of Tony Blair and the Labour government is seemingly boundless. But, in response to that point, we can only say that it would be better to have a government which includes miscreants such as Adams and McGuinness forced upon us than for us to agree to such a government. Then, at least, we can claim that our hands are clean.
ID: 10150617580 · Moses meets with Sihon